
Testimonials for The Yoga Connection 1103 - Yoga with Dan Lidisky and Jessica Pollock
Testimonials for The Yoga Connection 1103 - Yoga with Dan Lidisky and Jessica Pollock
Testimonials for The Yoga Connection 1103 - Yoga with Dan Lidisky and Jessica Pollock
Testimonials for The Yoga Connection 1103 - Yoga with Dan Lidisky and Jessica Pollock

My two favorite yogis. There’s so much I could say but I’ll keep it short and just say that my heart is so full after this morning’s class. These are 2 of my favorite people! They have been so instrumental in my yoga practice and so supportive, I cannot thank them enough. Great class, Dan! I love you both,


Thanks for a great class tonight, Jessica and Dan. You are both amazing!


Thank you so much, Kristyn, Dan and Jessica for all of your encouragement, wealth of knowledge, and pure passion that you shared today. I learned so much and had such a blast.


To All of you yogis who have never been to a class of Jess and Dan’s, we are spoiled. From Jessica’s messages and sequences, Dan’s foot assists and adjustments, and essential oils… I leave feeling like a queen.


Mondays are my love language. Thanks for the kick ass class and much needed mantra Dan. Jessica, thank you for the connection and love before class…. You know how to make a girl feel loved.



You truly inspired me and made me feel stronger mentally, emotionally and physically.


I went to your wintergreen oils class a couple months ago.  You talked about the chemical compound and its healing properties and how it was in the same family as aspirin.  I'm a chemistry teacher and my AP chem kids had just finished a lab with acetylsalicylic acid so I started thinking of classroom connections. Your oils class that morning inspired the lab we did this year - we made bath bombs with essential oils.  We were able to talk about the chemical reaction that happens in a bath bomb and also talk a little about the chemistry of essential oils - where they come from, the distillation process, and potential healing properties.  Doterra even has a chemistry wheel image that that I was able to use that shows the categories of oils, their healing properties, and their chemical names. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and for the inspiration.


You were my first yoga instructor at my first ever yoga class. You were an inspiration to me. You have taught me so much: to let go of judgement and to focus on who I am on and off the mat. As the teacher, I believe you make all of your students feel loved and accepted for who they area. You taught us to trust our bodies as well as our minds.  I haven’t always nailed every pose, but you always made me feel strong in body and mind. Thank you for teaching me that it is okay to fall out of balance and allow yoga to bring me back into balance. Thank you for sharing yourself with each of us.


Jessica, You are truly the reason why so many of us have fallen in love with yoga. You were there with us through Yoga Foundations, guiding and encouraging us in our journeys and being a great example of the true yogi spirit. I'm sure that no matter where life's road takes you, you will be a true blessing and guiding spirit for many!


I appreciate your guidance and caring nature and have learned so much from you over this past year.



A year ago tomorrow, I took my first class led by Dan. So thankful I got up early that Saturday morning and took his class- I can’t imagine what i’d be missing out on if I hadn’t. Last night I actually found the mantra from that first yoga class. It said “I am open to the abundance of the universe.” what incredible timing, finding it! So grateful for the things and people this yoga journey has led me to and where it will lead me going forward.


I love classes with Dan!


Thank you, Dan, for constantly building us up and pushing us to do more!


I found a quote today (Go and love someone exactly as they are…) and I think it perfectly describes the spaces and energy Dan creates each time he teaches. From day one, he has reminded us that we have everything we need inside us for this very moment in life and that it is enough, no shame or judgement.


Major sweat session. Amazing class, Dan. Thanks for pushing us out of our comfort zone!


I loved class this morning! You connected the message, the playlist, and the movements so perfect- It always shows the thought and work that you put into developing your classes. You are the absolute master at building an environment that people feel welcome and included. And it shows how much you love doing the classes.


Fantastic class this morning! Really appreciate the wake up text! You go above and beyond and I love you for it!


Dan’s goal today was to kick our butts and he succeeded!!! Freaking awesome ass-kicking!


Beautiful message today! Thanks for sharing it with us and reminding me again how wonderful life is when we are kind to each other and appreciate life.
